380 Falcon Names: A Proper List for Your Majestic Falcon + Ai Generator




Falcon Names

Falcons are known for their speed, sharp focus, and keen eyesight. This bird is a master of hunting! Do you know that their eyesight allows them to spot the prey from incredible distances! Also, they use their sharp talons to snatch their target, flying with pinpoint accuracy. 

So by any chance, if you get familiar with a falcon, you must give it a name right!  Whether you’re naming a pet, or a character, or simply drawing inspiration should be unique in its way. 

Here we are suggesting around 380 names for falcons. We have tried to make this name as inclusive as possible. With names inspired by mythology, culture, nature, and popular references, there’s something here for every falcon enthusiast. So time to capture the falcon’s spirit and discover the name that will suit this bird best.

    Get Unique name ideas here.

Best Falcon Names with Meanings

best falcon names
Photos Courtesy to Canva

The best feature of a falcon must be its strength of flying. Do you know, that the Peregrine Falcons have a record of diving at a speed of 320 km/h! However, its slender body, pointed wings and notched beaks make it more attractive! 

So our main goal is to capture the bird’s majesty and strength. Here are the best names for falcons that will add a memorable touch to any falcon, letting their spirit shine.

Astra“Star,” symbolizing brightness
BladeSharp and powerful, like a falcon’s talons
Fletcher“Arrow maker,” representing speed
NyraLight in Persian
Soren“Thunder,” strong and commanding
ValiantBold and brave
ArdenFierce eagle
RavenSymbolizing mystery
JetSleek, swift, and dark
PhoenixSymbol of rebirth
LuxLatin for “light”
DrakePowerful and mighty
OnyxStrong and resilient
AxelFather of peace
NovaNew and bright
LyraMusic-inspired, graceful
AshSwift and fierce
GriffinStrong mythical creature
StormySymbolizes power and speed
AceTop-notch and sharp

Famous Falcon Names

You might recognize some of these names for their popularity!  We have chosen these names from various places of literature, mythology, and history. You can choose these for the falcon which is close to your heart. But remember to capture the actual trait of that falcon through this name. 

These names go perfectly with the distinct traits they have! So check out the names and let your falcon test the feeling of popularity! 

FalcoA popular Italian falconer
BanditKnown from the falcon world
AmaraA noble name
ZaraArabic princess name
ShanHistorical falcon in Asia
EaglePowerful and brave
LancelotFamous knight name
MerlinLegendary magician
AjaxWarrior spirit
RangerStrong protector
SkylarInspired by the skies
ChaseSwift and relentless
EchoKnown for resonance
HawkeHawk-like prowess
JetstreamFast and focused
HunterA well-known falcon name
ApolloKnown Greek god
BoltFast like lightning
JunoRoman goddess
SharphySharp and deadly

Cute Falcon Names

Cute Falcon Names
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You will observe the cute behavior of falcons when you pet them. Especially while giving them good. Besides, the way they shake their whole body is so adorable! 

 All these attitudes bring out a sense of warmth, charm, and affection, making even the fiercest falcon feel like a close companion. These names will define the softer personalities and loveable side of a falcon. So these are names covered with all the catchy sounds and warmth.

PipSmall and cute
PeanutTiny but tough
SunnyRadiates joy
TwinkleTiny and bright
PuffySoft and endearing
ButtonsSmall but fierce
NibblesPlayful and charming
TinkerPlayful nature
SproutLittle but growing
BubblesFull of energy
FluffySoft and lovable
ChirpyHappy and chirping
WillowGentle and graceful
PeachSweet and soft
PebbleSmall but sturdy
PoppyCheerful and bright
SkittlesColorful personality
TaffySweet as candy
DotSmall but significant

Cool and Trendy Falcon Names

In this modern era, cool and trendy names should be your priority. Falcons’ charismatic aura can be reflected most through these names. Similarly, these names can capture the unique presence of these birds. 

The way falcons use their talon and beak for hunting is one of the coolest things. We can’t forget the sharp eyesight and the unbelievable speed. So keeping all these in mind, here are some of the cool and trendy names for your falcon!

JasperCool and classic
ZyraModern and edgy
VexDark and unique
StormerIntense and strong
AxelTrendy and cool
KestrelA specific falcon breed
FinnFresh and modern
QuinnStylish and fierce
ZaneEdgy and strong
NashFast and fearless
OrionStar constellation
EnzoCool Italian name
VegaBright star
FoxSharp and clever
DashQuick and energetic
ColtAgile and young
SkyeAirborne and free
RiverFlowing and free

Male Falcon Names

Male Falcon Names
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Male falcons are strategic and ingenious. They kind of rule the sky! Besides, they weigh 330 to 1000g. Male falcons tend to learn new skills. They also have high imaginary power with the wellness of problem-solving. People often call them “tiercel”. 

Male falcons’ speed and precision are acknowledged by all. The boldness they have should be reflected in their name.  So these names inspired by landscapes, ancient myths, or legendary heroes will show the resilience of male falcons. Take a look! 

ArcherHunter and marksman
BaneStrong and dark
GriffinMythical creature
KnightNoble and brave
RaidenThunder god
FlintSharp and resilient
SteelStrong and unyielding
DukeNoble and mighty
AtlasGreek Titan
ThunderPowerful force
BlazeFierce and fiery
HunterFocused predator
XanderProtector of people
CadeStrong and resilient
RoccoBold and hardy
JaggerBold and daring
DashQuick and agile
ThaneNoble warrior
FuryIntense power

Female Falcon Names

Often small gray-brown spots are seen in the female body. The beige chest and belly with a reddish brown shade make their appearance more beautiful.  You will also see dark brown horizontal stripes on their body. 

Female falcons are an example of elegance and strength, showcasing the commanding beauty of these remarkable birds. It plays a major role in terms of raising children. From ripping up small pieces of meat for its children to taking proper care of the children- a female falcon does all the responsibility gracefully. Here are some of the perfect names for them! 

AryaNoble and sharp
FreyaNordic goddess
ZaraStrong presence
LunaCalm and mystical
SableDark and mysterious
VesperEvening star
LyraMusic and grace
OpalShimmering beauty
NovaNew and bright
RheaGreek goddess
AthenaWise and fierce
EmberFiery and bold
JadeBeautiful and strong
IvyStrong and growing
BlissJoyful presence

Baby Falcon Names

Baby Falcon Names
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Baby falcons are usually called  “Eyasses”. They are bundles of curiosity and charm. Usually, mother falcons feed them and father falcons bring food for them.

Baby falcons look comparatively brownish and fairly pale. Their creamy white head and buffy feathery edging will surely impress you. You must have found all the features beautiful. So, they deserve an elegant name too! That’s why here we are suggesting some names perfect for baby falcons! 

TinySmall but mighty
PipShort and adorable
ChirpPlayful and vocal
MiteLittle yet fierce
SproutGrowing quickly
BeanSmall and tough
NuggetPrecious and small
BambiInnocent and sweet
SkipperEnergetic and playful
BlossomReady to grow
DotLittle yet full of personality
FlitMoves quickly and lightly
PebbleSmall yet sturdy
FlickQuick and active
FawnGentle and young
GlimmerFull of sparkle
PipkinTiny and adorable
DustyEarthy and subtle
ButtonSmall but noticeable
TwixSweet and unique

Unique Falcon Names

We can not deny the uniqueness of falcons. From characteristics to their appearance, falcons are completely distinctive. However, Gyrfalcon is the rarest falcon ever. Their body is mostly covered with white feathers and black features are seen in some of the body places. It also chases down to the prey at breathtaking speed.  

So, for the falcons’ creative twist and truly distinct presence, we must give them appropriate names. Let’s choose the names from various places. Time for your falcon to stand apart, gaining an exclusive identity that highlights their extraordinary character.

ZephyrGentle breeze, symbolizing flight
EvoletUnique and intriguing
KairiMeans “sea” in Japanese
NyxGreek goddess of the night
SorrelUnique and mysterious
FenixUnique spelling of Phoenix
VashaExotic and strong
MiraWonderful or miracle
RuneMysterious and magical
AithonGreek word for “burning”
ZypherVariant of Zephyr
ZerdaMeaning unknown, unique
HavocUnleashes chaos
MyrrhMystical and ancient
OnoraMeans “honor”
SableeDark and elegant
AraxRare and exotic
MithrilFrom Tolkien’s works, precious metal
EssixUnique and edgy
QuorraDistinctive and modern

Funny Falcon Names

Funny Falcon Names
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It’s the generation of memes. You must have seen those memes consisting of falcons.  Besides, you will see them giving various types of poses at the time of flying.  These poses are not that type funny but will bring a smile to your face. Sometimes you may also laugh after seeing the way they eat. 

So let’s blend some humor into the existence of fierce birds. You can play with the words and then choose a funny name. Here are the suggestions for some lighthearted names. Choose which one suits your falcons the best.

FeathersPlayfully literal
BeakerInspired by the Muppets
FlappyAlways on the move
WingnutFor a slightly quirky falcon
TweetieSmall and chirpy
DoodlesSilly and fun
PipsqueakTiny but fierce
SquawkKnown for their loud calls
McFlyBack to the Future reference
Flappy BirdInspired by the game
ZoomerAlways flying fast
FeatherfaceCute and funny
Falco PunchInspired by gaming
EggbertHumorous, referencing their egg phase
BuzzardIronic name
SkydiverFun and adventurous
Frieda FlyA play on “freedom”
TalonsaurusA falcon with “dinosaur” talons
WingtasticProud of their wings
CawfeeCoffee-themed, energetic

Arabic Falcon Names

Arab culture flourishes with the symbolism of falcons. It portrays the importance of patience, skill, and deep connection between humans and nature. Some Arabs also use falcons for hunting purposes. Do you know, that falcons can be trained with very little effort!  

In Islam, falcons are known for spiritual sight and divine guidance. So you can sense the unparalleled grace and power falcons have!  It has captivated the hearts of people across the Middle East. Honoring that, here are some of the names that go with the Arab culture. 

SaqrArabic for “falcon”
Ameer“Prince” or leader
AzizMeaning “powerful”
Fajr“Dawn,” symbolizing new beginnings
ShahinArabic term for a falcon
NajmMeaning “star”
Kamil“Perfect” or complete

Peregrine Falcon Names

Peregrine Falcon Names
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Peregrine falcons are truly a wonder of nature. It is the fastest bird in the world, soaring through the skies at incredible speeds of up to 240 mph. This magnificent raptor has sharp talons and extraordinary eyesight, allowing it to spot prey from over a mile away.

You can’t ignore the royalty of its appearance! It has a bluish-gray covering with black bars with a mixture of yellowish colors. So for showcasing their resilience and strength, we have found some perfect bird names, right? Here are the suggestions! Choose the one you love the most!

VelocityKnown for its incredible speed
BlitzFast and precise
DartQuick and agile
QuicksilverKnown for speed
CometFast and striking
MeteorPowerful and swift
ImpulseMoves quickly and suddenly
EchoResonates with its environment
JavelinSpeeds with force
MachSpeed-related name
StrikeA quick, targeted attack
Hawk-EyeSharply observant
SwiftKnown for swiftness
RocketFast as a rocket
CruiserGlides through the skies
RacerCompetitive and fast
BoltQuick as lightning
ShadowMoves like a shadow
TurboExtra boost of speed

Falcon Names from Mythology

The God Horus of Egyptian mythology has a falcon head. He is worshiped as a sun God. Besides, ancient Egyptians follow him as the God of kingship. During middle age, owning a falcon was a symbol of power. So undoubtedly, the falcon has played a really major role in mythology and the ancient era.

Keeping all these in mind, we have chosen these names for falcons from history. Hope these will purely depict the mythological essence of a falcon’s existence. Go through the names and choose the best one for your falcon.

HorusEgyptian god with a falcon head
RaEgyptian sun god associated with falcons
ApolloGreek god often symbolized by birds
FreyaNorse goddess with a falcon cloak
GaleWind spirit in mythology
AquilaRoman god of the eagle
HermesGreek god of speed
OdinNorse god, often associated with birds
BoreasGreek god of the north wind
ZephyrusGreek god of the west wind
TalonPowerful and precise
FalkorFrom mythology-inspired stories
AthenaGreek goddess of wisdom
FenrirMythical wolf, fierce like a falcon
ArtemisGoddess of hunting
NikeGoddess of victory
EosGoddess of the dawn
OrionLegendary hunter
HecateGoddess of magic
AnubisEgyptian god of protection

Nicknames for Falcons

Nicknames for Falcons
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We must choose a name that will be easy to pronounce and short. What happens if your falcon flies away before you can call it! You can keep one formal name and another nickname. Choose a name that will be associated with their impressive skill and hunting skills. 

The goal of giving the nicknames is to transform the identity of a falcon into something approachable. This will give you a feeling like falcons are your close companions. For adding familiarity and warmth, check out the names! 

AceA top performer
SkyRepresents the falcon’s home
ZipFast and energetic
BeakieCute and familiar
WhiskersA quirky touch
WingsHonors their most notable feature
BoltQuick and precise
GlimmerLight and radiant
DazzleFlashy and bright
FizzBubbly personality
EchoDistinctive sound
BuzzyEnergetic and lively
RooShort and sweet
PipSmall but feisty
FlickQuick as a flick
LarkLight and cheerful
ZephyrLight breeze
ZippoAlways on the move
HopperPlayful and active
BuzzFull of energy

Badass Falcon Names

Falcon can be manifested as a warrior bird. They survive entirely on their own with the help of sharp pin pointed wings with stiff features. Their respiratory system is so efficient that they can breathe properly at the fastest speed. 

Do you know, they can fly even three times faster than a cheetah! Isn’t that truly badass!  So these badass falcon names embody strength and highlight their raw energy. Here are some badass names for the falcons who have undeniable presence and energy! 

ValkyrieNorse warrior
FuryFull of energy
BladySharp and intense
ShadowMoves silently
SavageTough and wild
BlazeIntense and fiery
RoguerRebellious and strong
ReaperBringer of fate
TitanGiant and mighty
BlitzStrikes fast
ScytheSharp and cutting
ViperStrikes with precision
CrusherStrong and powerful
HavocBrings chaos
StormiedPowerful and unstoppable
ThunderLoud and commanding
JuggernautOverwhelming force
RebelStrong-willed and free
WrathFierce intensity
GoliathMighty and awe-inspiring

Trendy Australian Falcon Names

Trendy Australian Falcon Names
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The Australian-origin falcon names can capture the core trait of falcons! Besides, there is hardly any chance of matching these names with others! So your falcon will get a very uncommon name! 

Australian-inspired names draw from the country’s rich natural heritage. These names are famous landmarks of these countries. Each name feels so grounded and the serene vibe will reflect the affectionate side of a falcon! So here is a wide range of Australian names! 

BoomerAfter the boomerang
BondiFamous beach in Sydney
JindiMeans “sunshine” in Indigenous Australian
KooraMeans “companion” in Aboriginal
DingoInspired by the wild dogs
OzzieSlang for Australian
UluruNamed after the famous rock
OutbackAfter the vast wild regions
GullyCommon Australian landscape feature
BindiMeans “butterfly” in Aboriginal
KookaburraFamous Australian bird
JillarooAustralian cowgirl
TasmanAfter Tasmania
SydneyIconic Australian city
CoralInspired by the Great Barrier Reef
BanjoNamed after the poet Banjo Paterson
DaintreeA famous rainforest
EucalyptAfter the eucalyptus tree
QuokkaAustralia’s friendliest animal
RooShort for kangaroo

Falcon Names for PUBG and Gaming

If you are a gamer person, this part is for you!  There are plenty of famous video games associated with falcons.  For example, Falcon Age, Falcon Operation: Fire Flight, or Falcon Squad!  All these games emphasize the unmatched speed, sharpness, and agility of these birds. 

Who can forget the white falcon in the PUBG game! How they help the protagonist by flapping wings when enemies are shooting or flying around you!  Gaming-inspired falcon names bring this fierce energy into the virtual world. Their bold energy makes the situation more competitive in the crucial gaming moment. So here are some of the falcon names regarding the digital realm! 

SniperPrecise and deadly
HawkeyeExcellent vision
StealthMoves quietly and unnoticed
BlasterPowerful and fast
MarksmanExpert hunter
ViperQuick and lethal
CobraStrikes fast
RaiderAdventurous and bold
NitroExtra speed
StingerSwift and sharp
InfernoFiery presence
PhantomMysterious and ghostly
KnightBrave and noble
RipperTough and fierce
GhostMoves in silence
WraithSpectral and fast
StealthMoves without a trace
DreadInspires fear

Stylish Falcon Names

Stylish Falcon Names
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The more you know about the falcon, the more their stylish side will come in front of your eyes.  There are around 64 species of falcons and each of them has their style and appearance. You can style falcon names with a touch of sophistication and elegance. 

In this part, we have emphasized the effortlessly cool and refined name of falcon. These names especially go perfectly with Falcon’s dignified look, adding a layer of luxury and charm to their identity. Check them out!  

VelvetSoft and elegant
SableDark and mysterious
AuraRadiant presence
SilkSmooth and graceful
JewelRare and precious
GossamerLight and delicate
ShimmerLight and elegant
CashmereLuxurious and soft
ZaraElegant and strong
LuxeShort for luxury
BlytheMeans carefree
SterlingHigh-quality and refined
FleurMeans “flower” in French
DiorAfter the designer
OpalUnique and radiant
LunaCalm and mystical
NobleDignified and honorable
SapphirePrecious and stylish
EmeraldUnique and eye-catching

Marvel-Inspired Falcon Names

Let’s think out of the box! You must have known the characters of Marvel. Ever thought about giving your falcon a superhero name! Falcons are fast, fierce, and resilient qualities that fit right into the Marvel universe” 

Marvel-inspired names channel the strength, energy, and larger-than-life vibe of iconic heroes. You will also get a range of varieties in the Marvel name genre. It will also provide the comic lore with a heroic twist to your falcon’s identity. So, let’s choose an unforgettable name for your heroic falcon! 

FalconAfter Sam Wilson, the Marvel character
StormFierce and powerful
WolverineStrong and resilient
ThorPowerful and mighty
MystiqueMysterious and cunning
RogueIndependent and strong
PhoenixRebirth and power
MagnetoStrong force
LokiTrickster and clever
VenomDark and fierce
NebulaOtherworldly and unique
Star-LordCosmic and adventurous
DraxStrong and courageous
GrootPowerful and steady
VisionClear sight and wisdom
RocketFast and witty
NovaCosmic power
QuicksilverExtremely fast
BuckyBrave and strong
BladeSharp and fearless

Names That Mean Falcon

Names That Mean Falcon
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We know the word falcon, right? A very common one! But there are other synonymous words for falcon! What about turning them into the name of your falcon! 

This is the time to forget all linguistic barriers and embrace the traditions of other cultures! Falcons hold a special place in cultures worldwide, celebrated for their grace, strength, and independence. Giving them names with meaning adds a deeper connection, honoring their regal nature. So here are some of the names that will fit perfectly with them! 

ShaheenArabic, meaning “falcon”
FalkGerman for “falcon”
GerardDerived from “ger,” meaning “spear”
PeregrinyInspired by the peregrine falcon
TalonNamed after falcon claws
SakerA type of falcon
ArashPersian, meaning “bright”
KiranSanskrit, meaning “beam of light”
FaulknerEnglish, “falcon keeper”
DravenMeaning “hunter”
RocMythical bird, often like a falcon
VireoBird with similar hunting skills
VelocLatin for “swift”
ArvidEagle tree, Nordic
KestrelA small type of falcon
GalenGreek, meaning “calm”
AspenFast-growing tree, symbol of agility

How to Choose the Perfect Falcon Name

Selecting the right falcon name depends on personality, appearance, and purpose. You can also find the origin of the falcon and choose the name! Keeping names that will remind you about their strength and speed is also very appreciable. 

Some of the names can capture the elegance they have. You can also go for that. Mythological names and the names for history also have different aura. Besides other stylish, funny or bold names will convey how their characteristics are!

Whatever the names would be, it should focus on the bold spirit and elegance of falcons.


Who is the Greek god falcon?

In Greek mythology, falcons are often associated with Apollo, the god of sun and prophecy, who is sometimes depicted with birds, especially hawks or falcons.

What is another name for a falcon?

Another name for a falcon, particularly in hunting, is raptor, referring to its bird of prey nature.

What is the Latin word for falcon?

The Latin word for falcon is falco, which refers to birds of prey and relates to the word for “sickle” because of their curved beak.

What is the Nordic name for falcon?

In Nordic regions, falcons are known as Falk, a term used widely in Scandinavian languages.

What is the Spanish word for falcon?

In Spanish, falcon is translated as halcón, and it symbolizes speed and sharp vision.


We have tried to suggest the best names for your falcon in every possible way. The genres are also divided into parts so that you can make the decision spontaneously. With their speed, strength, and mystery, falcons are inspiring creatures. And finding the right name feels like honoring their wild nature.

Hope these names will remind you of their beauty and grace every time you see them take a flight!  In terms of having pet falcons, these names will help you to bond with them. Isn’t it all we want as a pet owner! So without further due, dive into choosing the best names for your falcon! 

Please share your ideas on namescreek and let us know which name you have chosen.

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