Turtle and Tortoise Names: 220 Creative Ideas for Your Shelled Friend




Turtle and Tortoise Names

Choosing the perfect name for your turtle or tortoise can be a fun and rewarding experience. Whether you’re looking for something cute, clever, or inspired by their species, we’ve compiled an extensive list of 220 names to help you find the ideal moniker for your shelled companion.

Red-eared Slider Names

Red Eared Slider Names
Photos Courtesy to Canva

Red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) are one of the most popular pet turtles worldwide. Native to the southern United States and northern Mexico, these semi-aquatic turtles are known for their distinctive red stripe behind each eye. They’re excellent swimmers and can grow up to 12 inches in length. When choosing a name for your red-eared slider, consider their aquatic nature, vibrant markings, or energetic personality. Red-eared Slider names that reflect water, speed, or their red “ear” are particularly fitting for these charismatic turtles.

  1. Splash
  2. Ripple
  3. Scarlet
  4. Crimson
  5. Flash
  6. Streak
  7. Ruby
  8. Blaze
  9. Flame
  10. Rusty
  11. Ember
  12. Flare
  13. Dash
  14. Zippy
  15. Slider

Russian Tortoise Names

Cute Russian Tortoise Names
Photos Courtesy to Canva

Russian tortoises (Testudo horsfieldii), also known as Horsfield’s tortoises, are small, terrestrial tortoises native to Central Asia. These hardy creatures are popular pets due to their manageable size, typically reaching only 8-10 inches in length. They have a distinctive golden-brown shell and can live for 50-80 years with proper care. When naming a Russian tortoise, you might draw inspiration from their origins, their sturdy nature, or their charming personalities. Consider Russian Tortoise names, terms related to their native habitat, or names that reflect their longevity and resilience.

  1. Boris
  2. Natasha
  3. Ivan
  4. Yuri
  5. Sasha
  6. Olga
  7. Dmitri
  8. Anastasia
  9. Nikolai
  10. Katya
  11. Vladimir
  12. Tundra
  13. Steppe
  14. Taiga
  15. Vodka

Box Turtle Names

Fancy Box Turtle Names
Photos Courtesy to Canva

Box turtles (genus Terrapene) are unique among turtles for their hinged plastron, which allows them to completely close their shell for protection. There are several species of box turtles, including the eastern box turtle and the ornate box turtle. These terrestrial turtles are known for their colorful markings and can live for 30-40 years or more. When naming a box turtle, you might consider their ability to “box” themselves up, their intricate shell patterns, or their curious and sometimes shy nature. Names related to protection, mystery, or hidden treasures can be particularly apt for these fascinating creatures.

  1. Boxy
  2. Hinged
  3. Latch
  4. Fortress
  5. Shell
  6. Vault
  7. Treasure
  8. Lockbox
  9. Puzzle
  10. Mystery
  11. Riddle
  12. Secret
  13. Hideaway
  14. Sanctuary
  15. Cozy

Greek Tortoise Names

Sweet Greek Tortoise Names
Photos Courtesy to Canva

Greek tortoises (Testudo graeca), also called spur-thighed tortoises, are small to medium-sized tortoises native to North Africa, southern Europe, and southwest Asia. They typically have a golden-hued shell with dark markings and can live for 100 years or more. These tortoises are known for their gentle nature and are popular pets. When choosing a name for a Greek tortoise, you might draw inspiration from Greek mythology, Mediterranean culture, or their ancient lineage. Greek tortoises names that evoke wisdom, longevity, or their sun-loving nature can be particularly fitting for these charming tortoises.

  1. Atlas
  2. Zeus
  3. Athena
  4. Apollo
  5. Hera
  6. Hermes
  7. Artemis
  8. Poseidon
  9. Hades
  10. Demeter
  11. Ares
  12. Hephaestus
  13. Dionysus
  14. Helios
  15. Gaia

Painted Turtle Names

Painted Turtle Names
Photos Courtesy to Canva

Painted turtles are known for their vibrant colors and patterns, making them a popular choice for turtle enthusiasts. Their artistic appearance lends itself to these creative names:

  1. Picasso
  2. Monet
  3. Van Gogh
  4. Frida
  5. Dali
  6. Palette
  7. Canvas
  8. Easel
  9. Brush
  10. Sketch
  11. Mural
  12. Graffiti
  13. Rainbow
  14. Prism
  15. Kaleidoscope

Sulcata Tortoise Names

Funny Sulcata Tortoise Names
Photos Courtesy to Canva

Sulcata tortoises (Centrochelys sulcata), also known as African spurred tortoises, are one of the largest tortoise species in the world. Native to the southern edge of the Sahara desert, these impressive reptiles can grow to be 24-30 inches long and weigh up to 100-200 pounds. They have a distinctive light brown or yellow shell with raised scutes. When naming a Sulcata tortoise, consider their massive size, desert origins, or their long lifespan (they can live over 70 years). Sulcata Tortoise names that evoke strength, endurance, or their African heritage can be particularly suitable for these gentle giants.

  1. Titan
  2. Goliath
  3. Colossus
  4. Sahara
  5. Dune
  6. Oasis
  7. Mirage
  8. Sandstorm
  9. Bedouin
  10. Nomad
  11. Caravan
  12. Atlas
  13. Sphinx
  14. Pyramid
  15. Pharaoh

Desert Tortoise Names

Cool Desert Tortoise Names
Photos Courtesy to Canva

Desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii and Gopherus morafkai) are native to the Mojave and Sonoran deserts of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. These medium-sized tortoises have a high-domed shell and sturdy, elephant-like legs adapted for digging. They can live for 50-80 years and are well-adapted to survive in harsh, arid environments. When choosing a name for a desert tortoise, you might draw inspiration from their native habitat, their ability to withstand extreme conditions, or their slow and steady nature. Names related to desert flora and fauna, geological features, or endurance can be excellent choices for these resilient creatures.

  1. Cactus
  2. Tumbleweed
  3. Dusty
  4. Mesa
  5. Canyon
  6. Mojave
  7. Sonora
  8. Arid
  9. Drought
  10. Sunny
  11. Siesta
  12. Shade
  13. Oasis
  14. Mirage
  15. Dune

More Unique Turtle and Tortoise Names

Here are additional creative names for your shelled friend, inspired by various themes:

  1. Shelldon
  2. Tortellini
  3. Shelly
  4. Slowpoke
  5. Speedy
  6. Flash
  7. Zippy
  8. Turbo
  9. Rocket
  10. Pokey
  11. Tortuga
  12. Kame (Japanese for turtle)
  13. Crush (from Finding Nemo)
  14. Franklin
  15. Michelangelo
  16. Leonardo
  17. Donatello
  18. Raphael
  19. Yertle
  20. Myrtle
  21. Koopa
  22. Bowser
  23. Tank
  24. Shelby
  25. Tortoise
  26. Squirt
  27. Pebbles
  28. Rocky
  29. Marble
  30. Jade
  31. Emerald
  32. Sapphire
  33. Onyx
  34. Topaz
  35. Jasper
  36. Obsidian
  37. Quartz
  38. Granite
  39. Slate
  40. Pebble
  41. Boulder
  42. Cobble
  43. Gravel
  44. Flint
  45. Shale
  46. Sediment
  47. Fossil
  48. Geode
  49. Crystal
  50. Gem
  51. Jewel
  52. Nugget
  53. Ore
  54. Mineral
  55. Lava
  56. Magma
  57. Igneous
  58. Metamorphic
  59. Sedimentary
  60. Pangaea
  61. Gondwana
  62. Laurasia
  63. Tectonic
  64. Seismic
  65. Quake
  66. Tremor
  67. Tsunami
  68. Typhoon
  69. Cyclone
  70. Hurricane
  71. Tempest
  72. Zephyr
  73. Breeze
  74. Gust
  75. Squall
  76. Whirlwind
  77. Tornado
  78. Vortex
  79. Nimbus
  80. Cumulus
  81. Stratus
  82. Cirrus
  83. Nebula
  84. Galaxy
  85. Cosmos
  86. Nova
  87. Pulsar
  88. Quasar
  89. Comet
  90. Asteroid
  91. Meteor
  92. Satellite
  93. Orbit
  94. Eclipse
  95. Solstice
  96. Equinox
  97. Zenith
  98. Nadir
  99. Horizon
  100. Aurora
  101. Borealis
  102. Australis
  103. Polaris
  104. Sirius
  105. Vega
  106. Rigel
  107. Betelgeuse
  108. Antares
  109. Aldebaran
  110. Arcturus
  111. Canopus
  112. Deneb
  113. Altair
  114. Spica
  115. Regulus

Tips for Naming Your Turtle or Tortoise

When choosing a name for your shelled friend, consider the following:

Personality: Observe your turtle or tortoise’s behavior and choose a name that reflects their unique traits.
Appearance: Draw inspiration from their shell pattern, color, or distinctive features.
Species: Consider names that relate to their natural habitat or origin.
Pop culture: Look to movies, books, or mythology for creative ideas.
Keep it simple: Choose a name that’s easy to pronounce and remember, especially if you have children.


Naming your turtle or tortoise is an opportunity to showcase their personality and your creativity. Whether you opt for a classic name, a pop culture reference, or something completely unique, the perfect name will help strengthen your bond with your shelled companion. Remember, the best name is one that feels right to you and suits your turtle or tortoise’s individual character.

Please share your ideas on namescreek and let us know which name you have chosen.


How long do turtles and tortoises live?

Lifespans vary greatly depending on the species. Some small turtles may live 20-30 years, while larger tortoises can live over 100 years.

Can turtles and tortoises recognize their names?

While they may not understand the meaning of their name, many turtle and tortoise owners report that their pets learn to associate their name with food or attention.

Is it okay to rename an adopted turtle or tortoise?

Yes, it’s generally fine to rename an adopted pet. Turtles and tortoises can adapt to new names, especially when associated with positive experiences.

Should I choose a gender-specific name for my turtle or tortoise?

It’s not necessary, as determining the gender of young turtles and tortoises can be challenging. Many owners opt for gender-neutral names.

How can I tell if my turtle or tortoise likes their name?

While they may not show obvious signs of liking their name, consistent use of the name during feeding or interaction times can help them associate it with positive experiences.

Can I change my turtle or tortoise’s name if I don’t like it anymore?

Yes, you can change their name at any time. Just be consistent with the new name, and they’ll likely adapt to it over time.

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